SIM 10

Projektor určený pro simulace a trenažéry má rozlišení 10 megapixelů a je vybaven zobrazovací technologií na bázi LCoS (Liquid Crystal On Silicon).


Základní informace

Barco’s SIM 10 brings together the most forward-thinking technologies available in projection for training and simulation, to help achieve the most realistic image quality possible.
The projector's impressive performance, including the ultra-high resolution, a dynamic contrast range of up to 10 million to one, and a brightness of up to 6,000 lumens, makes the SIM 10 ideal for flight training, virtual prototyping and design systems.

Down to the smallest detail
More pixels means more detail, which results in greater realism. As such SIM 10 is the best choice to build eye-limiting resolution systems. With the SIM 10 projector, pilots, operators and designers can never miss an essential detail again.

High-speed, high-quality imagery
Also in fast-paced training scenarios it is essential to notice every single detail. Barco’s smearing reduction technology ensures that the SIM 10 can handle this intense imagery flawlessly.

Passing with flying colors
The SIM 10 carries warping technology on board, which results in a geometrically correct image across any type of curved surface, without the need for separate third-party devices. And when you use several projectors to create one image, the SIM 10 automatically equalizes color and brightness levels across the image – even when projectors or lamps are replaced. In this way, you have the same smooth image, free of disturbances, all the time.

Not alone in the dark
With a contrast ratio that can reach up to 10 million to 1 as well as an increased infra-red spectrum, the SIM 10 projector is ideal for simulated night and dusk training. It is completely compatible with all types night vision goggles, and produces realistic halo and blooming effects.  


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